Op-Ed Articles

Edited Volumes
Journal Articles
Museum Catalogue Essays & Entries

Op-Ed Articles

Tear Down the Confederate Monuments – But What’s Next? 12 Art Historians and Scholars on the Way Forward.” Artnet News (August 23, 2017).

Beyond ‘Mona Lisa Smile’: Art, Race, and Social Media in the Classroom.” WBUR Edify (January, 7, 2017)

“Eating Ice Cream While Black.”  Cognescenti. WBUR-Boston (August 15, 2016).

Wellesley College Professor Spotlights Problem Faced by People of Color in Predominantly White Towns. Wellesley College (October 12, 2016).

Vision & Justice Online: Deana Lawson and Nikki A. Greene in Conversation about the Emanuel 9, Aperture.com (June 15, 2016).

Race, History, and Art, Wellesley Magazine (Spring 2016)

Edited Volumens

Habla LAMADRE: María Magdalena Campos-Pons, Carrie Mae Weems, and Black Feminist Performance.” Beyond the Face: New Perspectives on Portraiture. Edited by Wendy Wick Reeves. Lewes, UK: Giles, Ltd, in association with the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery, 2018, 284-301.

“Riffing the Index: Romare Bearden and the Hand of Jazz,” in Music, Art and Performance From Liszt to Riot Grrrl: The Musicalisation of Art. Edited by Diane Silverthorne. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018, 183-201.

Journal Articles

“Vibrations in the Soul: Moe Brooker’s Sacred Paintings,” in a special edited volume, “Riff: African American Art and the European Canon,” edited by Adrienne Childs and Jacqueline Francis. Panorama: Journal of the Association of Historians of American Art vol. 4, no. 1 (Spring 2018).

“The Feminist Funk Power of Betty Davis and Renée Stout.” The Funk Issue of American Studies Journal, vol. 54. no. 4. (November 2013): 57-76.

Artists’ Utopia? Cuban Art Defined at the Eleventh Havana Biennial.” The Delaware Review of Latin American Studies, vol. 13, no. 2 (December 2012).

“The Veil of African-American Music in Aaron Douglas’ Song of the Towers.The Mellon Minority Undergraduate Fellowship Journal. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, 1997.

Museum Catalogue Essays and Entries

“Thomas McKellar sous rature: John Singer Sargent’s Erasure of a Black Model” in Boston’s Apollo: Thomas McKellar and John Singer Sargent. Edited by Nathaniel Silver. Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2020, 62-81.

“‘Wind, Sunshine and Flowers’: The Visual Cadences of Alma Thomas’s Washington, DC.” Alma Thomas. New York; Saratoga Springs: Studio Museum in Harlem; Tang Teaching Museum, 2016, 53-59.

“Identity.” Guggenheim Museum Collection: A-Z. 4th edition. New York: Guggenheim Museum Publications, 2019.